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  • Psychiatric Consultants for DCFS

    Consultants for DCFS are Child and Adolescents Psychiatrists who make recommendations to DCFS on psychotropic medication requests. They evaluate the requests based on diagnoses, symptoms, and relevant clinical information. The consultants are also available to do phone consultations about particularly complex psychotropic medication requests.

  • Associate Director
  • Nurse Consultants

    The Nurses of the CSP ensure that the systematic data collection process provide pertinent information regarding the psychotropic consultation request and forwards this information to the CSP consultant. The RN triages consultation information, is a liaison to the CSP consultants, and reports recommendations to the DCFS Authorized Agent. They provide education and instruction when needed to DCFS authorized agents regarding the psychotropic consultation process. The RN will assist prescribers in understanding the process of obtaining psychotropic medication consent and facilitates communication between the field and UIC consultants.
    Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Research Staff

    Research staff help process all medication requests, including inpatient, outpatient, and emergency medications. They serve as liaison between the field and the main consultation team, obtaining information and answering questions from the field and conveying clinical data to psychiatric consultants. Research associates also collaborate on research projects regarding data from medication requests.
    Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • IT Staff

    The IT Technical Associate and Graduate Assistant are responsible for maintaining CSP application, developing new features in existing application, develop new reports and provide reports on adhoc basis. Apart from above tasks, the IT team is responsible for maintaining data integrity in the application, identifying and fixing bad data, helping advise on new technological solution and transforming the existing platform to latest greatest platform. Team also communicates with DCFS, HFS and Pharmacy staff regarding existing integration and better integrate with them in future.

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