Prashant Patel, BS

Prashant Patel, BS
IT Technical Associate
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UIC, Department of Psychiatry Profile
Prashant Patel has over 19 years of experience working in IT industry with specialization in Healthcare and electronics (SMT industry). He has led and developed major projects for pharmaceutical and manufacturing companies with onshore/offshore teammates. In his free time he enjoys hiking, travelling different places within and out of US, likes music. He is hardcore fan of Chicago Bears, Cubs and Black Hawks.
IT Staff
IT Staff
The IT Technical Associate and Graduate Assistant are responsible for maintaining CSP application, developing new features in existing application, develop new reports and provide reports on adhoc basis. Apart from above tasks, the IT team is responsible for maintaining data integrity in the application, identifying and fixing bad data, helping advise on new technological solution and transforming the existing platform to latest greatest platform. Team also communicates with DCFS, HFS and Pharmacy staff regarding existing integration and better integrate with them in future.